Kindly Pay Attention
Dear Parents
You are advised to not allow your ward to use social media platforms
like Facebook, Instagram, Snap chat. If it is used by the students , School is not responsible for the same.
Message from our Principal
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus
character - that is the goal of true education.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
At White Leaf Public School we strongly believe that it is the quality of the human relationships within a school that defines it. Accordingly, a major emphasis is placed on the teaching and learning environment which exists both within and outside the classroom environment.
International research suggests that it is the quality of teaching that has the greatest impact on student achievement and this is of critical importance at White Leaf Public School.
Whilst proud of the very strong academic record that White Leaf Public School has always maintained, our aim is always to provide the best all-round education in which a student’s physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual development is enhanced. White Leaf Public School offers an educational experience in which students will be encouraged to achieve to their potential, in which staff are supported to develop professionally in an excellent working environment and in which White Leaf Public School students are guided to be productive, responsible and caring citizens of the future.